Thursday, October 13, 2005

I Surfived OCIs

I titled this post “surfived OCIs” because Tuesday, our day of interviews, reminded me of a hurricane coming through Kingston. In the US, they often sell T-shirts to tourists with slogans like “I SURFived Katrina!” Like hurricanes, OCIs shake up the school, come at a semi-regular time every year, and the law students are like the tide: swooshing in and out of the conference room. Sometimes a law student, just like a wave, crashes. But we can get up again.

Two days have passed since our tumultuous day at the Four Point Sheraton Hotel. Already 5 or 6 firms have sent our confirmation/rejection emails to students. Soon we were will all know how we fared. The process was exhausting but, I believe, worth it. For some of us, our careers could be almost locked in. Or at least, where we start our careers.

For the Class of ’08 (and ’09, etc): I’ve compiled a list of questions that were asked during the day from my own interviews and from the interviews of others. I’ve also included some questions that I heard were asked to students last round. I hope it will help you prepare.
What do you think of the trinkets firms are giving out today? Will they influence your decision?
Why did you decide to come to law school?
Tell us about your undergraduate thesis paper.
What is the one thing you would like us to know about you?
What courses are you planning to take?
What does “the rule of law” mean to you?
When is it justified to break the law?
Tell us about a significant case.
Which branch of our firm appeals to you?
How does morality play into the law?
If you could amend the Charter, what would you change?
Tell us a funny story.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Are you sure you want to be in Toronto?
What's the toughest question you've had so far and how did you respond?
How do you prioritize your time?
When did you realize you wanted to go to law school?
And what do you think about that?
Tell us about the paper you wrote for this essay competition. What prize did you win?
What is the number one quality that will make you a good lawyer?
What questions were you expecting but not asked?
Now I’ve got to get caught up on my reading!


At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting through the OCIs! And thanks for sharing these questions - that's very useful.

At 1:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had these questions:
What was your favourite job and why?
What do you do for fun?
Why us?


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