Monday, July 11, 2005

CBC Interview: Ms. Peter

I was just listening to Sounds Like Canada (yes, I'm a 20-something who listens to the CBC - I rare breed, I admit) and Kelly Ryan was interviewing a woman from Nunavut who just graduated from the one-shot Akitsiraq Law School. Profs from UVic Law actually flew to Iqaluit to teach courses to the 11 graduates. The CBC had an interview with one graduate, Ms. Peter, who can now add law to her skills as translator, clothing designer, and singer.

Q: What have you gained from law school?
You learn how everything functions. You can question everything like policy decisions of the government.

Q: Would you recommend it to others?
It's a must for anyone who would like to get into the area of education.

Q: How have you changed?
You learn about yourself.

And my favourite comment:
I'm a better bitch than I was before.
Congrats on your law degree! Look out Ottawa.


At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think it's rare for a 20-something to listen to CBC Radio? It all depends on those with whom you spend your time, I guess - the majority of my friends and I listen to CBC. So yeah, don't worry - there are many more of us out there.


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