Oxford, FL
I just noticed that some from Miami University in Oxford, FL accessed this site today. I just learned that there is an Oxford in Florida.
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Resources and personal experiences for students interested in law school.
I just noticed that some from Miami University in Oxford, FL accessed this site today. I just learned that there is an Oxford in Florida.
There was an interesting article about a couple in India who were proclaimed divorced because the husband said "talaq" three times in his sleep. According to religious leaders, this constituted a procedure known as "triple talaq" that, under Islamic law, results in divorce.
"The law clearly says any action under compulsion or in a state of intoxication has no effect. The case of someone uttering something while asleep falls under this category and will have no impact whatsoever," Khan told Reuters.It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Will the courts hold that speaking while asleep falls under either the category of an action under compulsion or in a state of intoxication? At first glance, it doesn't seem like it fits naturally within either category.
In February, I wrote a posting about the successes of Canadian women. It was around the Olympics and it seemed appropriate to talk about the successes of women in law in addition to the success of our women's hockey team.
they also outnumber men in post-graduate law studies, where women actually make up 67 per cent of Canadian law students. Men round out the figure with the remaining one third of those enrolled.That is a huge difference. I can certainly see these numbers at Queen's. More than that, women are taking leadership positions. Last year's school president was a woman, and a woman has been elected to the post for next year as well. This trend could potentially significanlty alter the legal profession. It seems like it will take some time for these women to rise up the ranks at law firms but when they do ...
There are many services out there that allow you to customize your news. Newsvine is one of the newest. One of its best features is that it allows you to write articles and build a name for yourself.
There is one class that is famous for its annual parties: Advanced Corporate Law. The practitioners who teach the course treat all the students (20) to dinner and drinks at the end of the course to celebrate. And when I say "celebrate", think steak and single malt Scotch. There are students who actually ballot the course simply to partake in this evening (and night).
I was listening to the Inside the Net podcast and, according to Leo, only 1/5 Americans actually know the meaning of a "podcast". I'm guessing if you're savvy enough to find this site, you are part that enlightened minority. Then I was thinking, there may be some nifty tools out there that are even less well known than podcasts. I could use this site to highlight these tools in a "webtool" group of posts. The idea is that these posts will be like "daily distractions" but useful.
Legal research is fun. Right. Well, it might not always be fun, but at least as students, it's cheap. The folks at the LawBitches blawg (down south) recently posted about how much it actually costs firms to use services like Westlaw:
Here is what they should tell you about Westlaw before they get you addicted to the free stuff during law school. Once you leave law school, it is really expensive to use it. Several of us here took a Westlaw Seminar entitled "Prepare to Practice" (got us 500 Westlaw points and a beautiful soft leather portfolio) and we found how much it costs out in the real world. Here are just some examples (and the numbers are not exaggerations...).Note: all figures are US$$$. Anybody know the Canadian rates?
Typical Database search Costs:
Search all cases- $159 (everytime you hit the "Search" button)
Search one state's cases- $52
Keycite a case- $6.25 (per Case- think of a memo you would write which may cite to 20-30 cases)
Search all cases- $15.80/minute or $948/hour
Search one state's cases- $6.33/minute, $380/hour
Of course this is without any real discounts (some firms have discounts and will allow you unlimited access but remember a client still does not want to see a $4000 bill for "research").
A CBC program on TV, Making the Grade, may have enabled some high school students in Ontario to draft new laws.
The governing Liberals, Opposition Conservatives and New Democrats reviewed more than 100 ideas submitted by high school students across Ontario, and agreed to sponsor at least one bill each and schedule a day in April for debate.Cool. Power to the people.
"For these kids to actually see that there's nothing magic about making laws, that it's a very practical process, it's motivating."
Sometimes I think about what I would be doing if I weren't in law school. One option would be living like Brem. He's been traveling the world, doing good in the world, learning and living. This post is for you, bro.
I was reading Law, Love & Life and I clicked on her link to this article on CBC.ca. At the very bottom of the article is this chart:
At UBC, for example, the cost of tuition, dental instruments, clinic fees and other fees totals $172,000 over the four years of the Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. And that doesn't include food or lodging.But it is not obvious why law school tuition is so high. Do we use expensive cadavers? No (as far as I know). Do we consume expensive chemicals as we're mixing our metaphors? No. Are legal instruments expensive? Certainly not at Queen's. As it stands, the only "instruments" the school provides are pens and paper for students during exams and chalk for professors.
The draft is vague about a lot of things, but not about $1.7 million for a "faculty recruitment and retention fund". There is no evidence presented for why we need this fund, for the simple reason that the evidence is not there.He noted that the average starting salary for a UofT prof is about $100,000CDN (which is actually pretty cheap when you consider an article claiming that the Iraq war is costing Americans $100,000US per minute) and Jim stated that this $1.7m fund was needed to prevent faculty from going south. The dreaded brain drain to the USA. OK, let's check it out. What are law professors making down there?
Salaries range from about $70,000 for a beginning instructor at smaller schools to between $200,000 and $250,000 a year, including summer grants and other support, for a top academic at a prestigious major university, according to law professors and published reports. At the University of Virginia School of Law, which many professors believe is the highest paying institution, 15 professors earned between $200,400 and $284,000 in 2001.Based on this comparison, a starting salary at UofT actually makes quite a bit more than at a "smaller" school but we can't compare with, say, a law prof starting at Yale. Who knows. Anybody want to dig deeper?
Law professors continue to lead the list. According to the survey, full professors in the field earn an average annual salary of $136,634. Even new assistant professors in law make nearly $80,000 a year. That is about the same average salary that full professors in history earn. New assistant professors in history average about $45,000.Wow - that's a huge difference! But it's not difficult to justify it, even to the critics who say it's exorbitant.
The results are in:
Well, the elections committee is currently counting the ballots. We don't know the results yet. But, I've been polling students today. Here are a few predictions:
A disaffected volunteer veteran of the maximum-security system at Kingston Federal Penitentiary thought she might go to law school. She finished her degree at Queen's University in Psychology and then ... changed her mind.
Please let me know if you are still getting popups. I've been going back and forth with Blogger to try and solve this problem. Shoot me an email if the problem isn't solved.
The debate flamed up today! We have our referendum in a couple days and students have started actively expressing their views on the issue. More than that, a few faculty members have entered the fray.
Personally, the more letters behind my name, the better.I was chatting with another student who is strongly in the J.D. camp. He predits that the vote will go 80% in favour of switching. Personally, I doubt if it will go that high. Based on what I've heard/read, I will guess that the vote will fall somewhere between 65% - 70% in favour of switching to the J.D.
Alumni can be given the choice of whether they personally would like to change the name of their own degree, just as the alumni at the University of Canada (I mean Toronto) had the option of doing.
Opportunities and options available to a 2006 graduate are, in my opinion, drastically different than those that were available 10, 20 or 30 years ago.
Once our clients and employers recognize that there is no finer law school in Canada, they (like I) will not care whether our graduates have a J.D. or LL.B. as long as they're from Queen's.
If we stood by the tradition for the sake of tradition' argument, things like anonymous grading, and grade confidentially would have never been implemented at this school.
I think the one thing this listserv debate has taught me is that I don’t type fast enough.
Views of present students about the LLB/JD are certainly important, but so are the views of alumni. It is their degree also, and we look to them for financial and moral support, so proper;y engaging them in this decision is important.
It will be hard to explain and justify to the public that lawyers want to be called doctors.
Is this not simply an exercise in semantics? If we are changing nothing but the letters on our degree, why bother?
I support making this change because it would add a professional quality to a degree that is elsewhere generally equated with a less advanced type of professional education.
Subject to a loss of alumni support, I support switching to a JD.
One would imagine that those doing the hiring at an internationally focused firm abroad would be aware of the differences between the legal education received in different jurisdictions.
I'm sure the rare student that applies to a big firm in India will be able to communicate to potential employers what the difference is.
Many people in the international arena are unaware of the various systems of legal education, and having a J.D. is much more recognizable as a professional degree. It simply shows that it is a graduate, not a bachelor's, degree.
With a law degree from a prestigious university such as Queen's, one can fulfill their great ambitions and become rich beyond the dreams of avarice. Thus, money, as usual, is the driving factor.
Arguably, it is only a matter of time before other Canadian schools fall into line. As we’ve said UWO and UBC are teetering. Though we can’t be the pioneer school do we want to be the 8th, 9th or 12th to fall into line?
In my mind, a graduate degree suggests a level of mastery that cannot possibly be imparted by an initial law degree.
The Queen's community is going to have to decide whether it wants to join the inflationary bandwagon, in an effort to protect its students, or whether its students can be better protected by standing by Queen's traditions.
While the majority of us appear quite happy that we are not the University of Toronto (I’m one of them…), I don’t want to base my decision on a comparison with another faculty.
I really think the U of T point should be a fairly marginal consideration in terms of the JD-LLB debate (although I too am not a fan of them, or their uppity mooters).
As a student noted in the last listserv debate on this subject, 'If you really want a job on Wall Street, change the name of the law school to Yale.'
Michael Kalo is a Jewish law student at the University of Manitoba and he is the victim of a racist attack due to comments he made during class. An article on this incident has been published by the Manitoban Online.
Why do you have to look and behave like that?
Do you want us to send you back where you came from?
You do not belong in our Faculty!
Don’t say we didn’t warn you . . .
The article states:
At the bottom of the letter is perhaps the most inflammatory cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed published in Jyllands-Posten: it depicts a man with a beard wearing a bomb for a turban.Normally, I do not use this site to express my opinion on news but on this matter I will make an exception. From what I have read, I am outraged by this racist hatemail in a law school. I sincerely hope that the administration at the University of Manitoba takes this seriously. Mr. Kalo should be able to express his thoughts in class without fear of receiving threatening letters.
Some of my favourite blogs out there are the "Overheard at X" sites. Overheard in New York has got to be one of the best. New Yorkers just let it all hang out.
Overheard at Western is also amuzing. Here's a post from the law school:What is Hardcore? (NYC Short Stories)
Girl: Wow, last night I was so drunk. I can't believe that I got so wasted off only a pint of gin. In first year I could drink like twice that amount and party all night.
Guy: So you were hardcore then?
Girl: Naw, I wasn't hardcore, I was just an idiot.--NYU A bus
And you thought lawyers were soulless creatures.
Law Professor: I don't even know what fine arts is. But I assume it involves, like... making stuff.
-- Law school, overheard by Drew
There is certainly a SparkNotes version. :)Overheard in the law lounge today.
Woman with silver laptop: "Our reading for Ethics now is this novel, which I was psyched about because I thought it would be easy, but it's the worst thing yet. My god. It's about this butler, and it's set in super old times."
Woman with the black laptop: "What's it called?
[G, internally: "Please don't say Remains of the Day, please not Remains of the Day.]
WSL: "Remains of the Day. I think it might have been made into a movie..."
Queen's had an Open Forum today in one of the main lecture halls on this issue. The Dean, the Associate Dean, the President of the LSS and the VP Internal Professional of the SGPS explained their various positions. In general, they agreed that this is a hot topic and they will listen to the students.
The fifth annual conference in Public Interest Law will be going on this weekend in Toronto. For bios of speakers and general info, check this out.
[W]hile more articles have been available lately in, for example, public interest law, minority students “aren’t getting the articling positions in the [other] areas they want.”
And she said students themselves need to reach out to wider academic circles, for example by taking part in environmental or intellectual property law groups or organizing campus events.
Moreover, by not getting involved, “you also limit your connection” to more individuals in law, which can limit career advancement, she said.
Michelle Williams, an assistant professor at Dalhousie University, said representatives of a firm at a job fair told her that it only practised tax law yet a white student was told the firm had a range of practices.
On the realities of a practical job-seeking sort, Frank Walwyn, president of the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers and a partner at WeirFoulds LLP — one of the few black partners at any Bay St. firm — told a session that the same realities apply to minorities as apply to all articling applicants: the competition is stiff, resume honing is a must, and connections help.
Walwyn said his firm receives as many as 400 resumes for four or five positions and interviews up to 40 candidates. “The very first thing I look for are marks,” he said, since they show intellectual rigour, a chief attribute in a firm that refuses to be “compromised by mediocrity.”
He said personal letters also count, and they should be no more than one page. Knowing the firm’s practice areas, why a student wants to practise, and even what the candidate has achieved outside academics, in fields like the arts or athletics, are important, if they show “a history of commitment to perfection,” he said.
I definitely need to update my blogroll on the right. Some blawgs have been abandoned while others are just rarely updated.
Law school is busy, that's for sure. And, I suppose, blogging isn't for everyone. Good luck to all, and good night.
This is not a spoof ad, as far as I can tell. It airs on a television station based in St. John's Newfoundland in a series of "Captain Canada" spots. The narrator tells us:
See it for yourself. I can't help wondering if this was written tongue-in-cheek.To all those who share this planet: the call has been made to lead us into the future. Captain Canada has answered. ... so that all will be free to reach their heights ... our vision will be called upon. It is up to us. ... So be a beacon of light.
Friday was Career Day for Queen's law students. I wasn't really interested in the stuff they were giving away this year, but I did give you an enumerated list for last year's event so I thought I'd write a litte something and compare this year's loot with last year.
Things that may have been absent (but I wasn't really paying that much attention):
Useful objects that were again present:
Suggestions for future Career Days: